Lapis Lazuli

Irrespective of the ideas associated with the stone, it was believed to bring harmony and peace. Lapis is considered a highly useful stone for journalists, psychologists, and executives for the stimulation of proper judgment in the realistic world. As memory enhancer, the stone plays a vital role.


The colour blue associates with tranquillity and peace, so the deep blue colour of the stone promotes peace of mind and soul. Lapis lazuli is also associated with the third-eye chakra, so while opening it, the stone established a clear bond between the inner self and the physical world and helps in unlocking the fading memories. Experts suggest the use of this stone for encountering depression and insomnia. People with speech problems can use lapis to get relief.

Wealth & Luck

Many people use lapis lazuli to bring good luck and wealth. It is true that the stone brings good luck and people wearing it can feel inspired due to its power to circulate positive energy and wash away negative energy. The thoughts of an individual becomes more constructive and positive with lapis lazuli. The stone is a perfect option for people who want to become wealthy as they can receive abundant wealth through success in business and a robust career.

Relationship & Love

As far as love and relationships are concerned, the stone lapis lazuli is considered the best friend of women. It helps in bringing the energy of knowledge, emotional healing, love, and heals a person emotionally, when it stays close to their bodies. With this stone, you will feel the confidence, composure, and courage to run after your requirements. Your insecurities and uncertainty will go while pursuing the love of your life and maintaining the current relationships.

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